Ancient Symbolism
170 Rare Books (pdf format)
Computer Disk (DVD-Rom)
A complete library of these rare books about Symbolism. Discover the Symbols that have been used throughout history and why and by what organisations and for what reasons. Covering all aspects of the topic; religious symbolism, political, history,cultural symbols, numerical ... and more - all on one DVD.
Knowledge that was disappearing is now preserved in these vintage books
170 Ancient Symbols Books on DVD-Rom
Nature of the item:
This item is a computer disk containing vintage, copyright-free books scanned into digital PDF format and provided to you on disk (as above); there is no physical book, there is no video, there is no audio.
You will require a computer with a Disk drive to be able to view the PDF books with suitable PDF viewer software (which is universally available for Free).
List - What's on the Disk170 Books
A Collection of Hieroglyphs A Contribution to the History of Egyptian Writing - F Griffith 1898 A Comparison of Egyptian & Hebrew Symbols - F Portal A comparison of Egyptian symbols with those of the Hebrews A Dictionary of Symbolic Masonry - George Oliver A dissertation on the Oriental trinities - T. Maurice 1801 A glossary of important symbols in their Hebrew, pagan and Christian forms - S. A. Hall 1912 A handbook of Christian symbols and stories of the saints as illustrated in art - C. Waters 1886 A handbook of legendary and mythological art - C. Waters 1872 A key to the symbolical language of Scripture - T. Wemyss 1840 A symbolical dictionary - C. Daubuz 1842 An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary vol 1 An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary vol 2 An Esoteric Reading of Biblical Symbolism - H Bartlett An introduction to early Christian symbolism - W. Palmer 1859 Ancient pagan and modern Christian symbolism - T. Inman 1884 Ancient Religious Traditions & Symbols - H Sykes Ancient symbol worship. Influence of the phallic idea in the religions of antiquity - H. M. Westropp 1875 Animal symbolism in ecclesiastical architecture - E. P. Evans 1896 Beasts and sevens of Revelations - L. K. Robinson 1917 Biblia cabalistica; or, The cabalistic Bible, showing ...umerical cabalas have been curiously applied to the Holy Scriptures - W. Begley 1903 Christian iconography; or, The history of Christian art in the Middle Ages Vol 1 - A. N. Didron 1886 Christian iconography; or, The history of Christian art in the Middle Ages Vol 2 - A. N. Didron 1851 Christian symbolism - H. Jenner 1910 Christliche Symbolik Vol. 1 - C. Menzel 1854[German] Christliche Symbolik Vol. 2 - C. Menzel 1854[German] Color Symbolism and Freemasonry Early Christian symbolism in Great Britain and Ireland before the thirteenth - J Allen 1887 Emblematum sacrorum prima[-secunda] pars - D. Cramer 1624 [Latin German italian] Emblems from Eden - J. Hamilton 1856 Facing the sphinx - M. L. Farrington 1889 Fictitious & symbolic creatures in art with special reference to their use in British heraldry - J. Vinycomb 1906 Four basic principles of numerology - F. Householder 1921 Freemasonry - Symbolism of the Goat Freemasonry Its Symbolism Religious Nature & Law of Perfection - Paton C I 1873 Freemason's Guide to the Symbolic Degrees.- Anon Handbook of Christian symbolism - W. Audsley 1865 Hieroglyphica, sive, De sacris Aegyptiorvm literis commentarii - P. Valeriano 1556 History of amulets, charms, and talismans - a historical investigation into their nature and origin - M. L. Rodkinson 1893 History of the cross - the pagan origin, and idolatrous adoption and worship, of the image - H. D. Ward 1871 Ideal metrology in nature, art, religion and history - H. G. Wood 1908 Kabbalah, the harmony of opposites - a treatise elucidating Bible allegories and the significance of numbers - W. J. Colville 1916 Lawful Church Ornaments - T. W. Perry 1857 Legends of the monastic orders - A. Jameson 1880 Life Symbols As Related To Sex Symbolism - E Goldsmith Macedonian folklore - G. F. Abbott 1903 Masonic Symbols, Physical and Conceptual Medical symbolism in connection with historical studies in the arts of healing and hygiene - T. Sozinsky 1891 Mystic Masonry or the Symbols of Freemasonry and Greater Mysteries of Antiquity Vol V - Buck J.D1911 Mythological Japan... symbolisms of mythology in relation to Japanese art, with illustrations drawn... native artists - A. F. Otto 1902 Myths & Symbols Or Aboriginal Religions In America - S Peet Names, dates, and numbers - what they mean to you - R. P. Walton 1914 Non-Masonic Origins of Masonic Symbolisms Numbers their occult power and mystic virtue. ... résumé of the views ... Kabbalists, Pythagoreans, adepts of India, Chaldean Magi ..mediæval magicians - W Westcott 1890 Numerals of the Bible 888 - J. A. Upjohn 1879 Old English embroidery its technique and symbolism - St. Aubyn, A 1894 Oliver G - A Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry Oliver G - The Symbol of Glory On dreams - S. Freud 1914 On the prevalence of certain numbers in relation to events - unknown author 1849 Palmoni; or, The numerals of scripture, a proof of inspiration; a free inquiry - M. Mahan 1863 Past Master Jewels And Symbols Phallism, Lingam-Yoni & Symbols of Sex Worship - Unknown Philosophy of ritual - L. P. Gratacap 1887 Primitive symbolism as illustrated in phallic worship or the reproductive principle - H. M. Westropp 1885 Prints selected for use of class in Christian art and symbolism 1800 Problems of mysticism and its symbolism - H. Silberer 1917 Psychology of the unconscious - a study of the transformations and symbolisms of the libido, - C. G. Jung (1916) Religious emblems and allegories - a series of engravings, with suitable letter-press, designed to illustrate divine truth - W. Holmes 1868 Rivers of life, ... showing the evolution of faiths from the rudest symbolisms to the latest spiritual developments Vol. 1 - J. Forlong 1883 Rosicrucian symbology - ... the elements of constructive symbology and certain other things - G Plummer 1916 Rough Notes on the Snake Symbol in India - J H Rivett-Carnac Sacred and legendary art Vol. 1 - A. Jameson 1881 Sacred and legendary art Vol. 2 - A. Jameson 1881 Sacred symbols in art - E. E. Goldsmith 1911 Saints and their symbols - a companion in the churches and picture galleries of Europe - E. A. Greene 1909 Scarabs. The history, manufacture and religious symbolism of the scarabæus in ancient Egypt, Phnicia, Sardinia, Etruria, etc. - I. Myer 1894 Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians - F Hartmann Sex As Symbol - A Boyd Kuhn Sex worship and symbolism - S. Brown 1922 Signs And Symbols Illustrated And Explained in a Course of Twelve Lectures on Freemasonry - George Oliver(1837) Sketches of the history of Christian art Vol. 1 - A. Crawford 1885 Sketches of the history of Christian art Vol. 2 - A. Crawford 1885 Sketches of the history of Christian art Vol. 3 - A. Crawford 1885 Some Deeper Aspects of Masonic Symbolism - A.E. Waite Sun lore of all ages - a collection of myths and legends concerning the sun and its worship - W. T. Olcott 1914 Symbol of Glory Showing the Object And End of Freemasonry - George Oliver Symbola diuina & humana pontificum, imperatorum, regum - J. Typot 1652 [Latin] Symbolic Mythology - J M Woolsey Symbolic Teaching - Stewart T M 1917 Symbolism in religious art - C. Coleman 1899 Symbolism of Royal Arch Jewel Symbolism of the East & West Aynsley M -1900 Symbolism of the East and West - H. Murray-Aynsley 1900 Symbolism of the First Degree_ Symbolism of the Three Degees Vol 1 - The Entered Apprentice Degree - Street O D 1929 Symbolism of the Three Degees Vol 2 - The Fellow Craft Degree - Street O D -1929 Symbolism of the Three Degees Vol 3 - The Master Mason Degree - Street O D 1929 Symbolism on Greek coins - Brett, Agnes Baldwin 1916 Symbolism or Exposition of the DoctrineVol 1 - Moehler J A 1847 Symbolism, Hiramic Legend, & the Master's Word - J Ball Symbolism Symbolism; or, Mind, matter, language as the elements of thinking and reasoning and as the necessary factors of human knowledge - J. Haig 1869 Symbol-psychology, a new interpretation of race-traditions - A. Roerder 1903 The Ancient Egyptian Scarab - T. L. Elder 1920 The ancient science of numbers - the practical application of its principles in the attainment of health, success, and happiness - L. Clement 1908 The antithesis between symbolism and revelation - A. Kuyper 1857 The basic outline of universology - S. P. Andrews 1872 The Buddhist praying-wheel - ... bearing upon the symbolism of the wheel and circular movements in custom and religious ritual - W. Simpson 1896 The canon - an exposition of the pagan mystery perpetuated in the Cabala as the rule of all the arts - W. Stirling 1897 The compass and square for women only - H. Henderson 1916 The day of wisdom according to number vibration - L. Balliett 1917 The evil eye - R. Park 1912 The evil eye. An account of this ancient and wide spread superstition - F. T. Elworthy 1895 The floral symbolism of the great masters - E. Haig 1913 The golden bough - a study in magic and religion - J. G. Frazer 1922 The great importance of the sabbatic number seven, - P. Royse 1890 The Great Pyramid Its Spiritual Symbolism - M Edgar The Great Pyramid of Gizeh A Symbol of Universal Truth - J Chase 1916 The great symbols - W. J. Townsend 1901 The grotesque in church art - T. T. Wildridge 1899 The guide to astrology - containing a complete system of genethliacal astrology - Raphael 1905 The heathen religion in its popular and symbolical development - J. B. Gross 1856 The Hierophant; .... the symbolism ... were founded all ancient religions and secret societies - G Stewart 1859 The history, principles and practice of symbolism in Christian art - F. E. Hulme 1910 The key to the universe - H. A. Curtiss 1917 The lamp in the wilderness, with fragmenta vestusta -an examination of symbols - W. Waddilov The lost language of symbolism - an inquiry into the origin of certain letters, words, names, fairy-tales, folklore, and mythologies - H. Bayley 1912 The masonic ladder or, The nine steps to ancient freemasonry - J. Sherer 1876 The Migration Of Symbols - Count D'Alviella The monuments of Christian Rome from Constantine to the renaissance - A. L. Frothingham 1908 The morning star; or, Symbols of Christ - W. M. Thayer 1856 The Nature of Symbols The night of the gods; an inquiry into cosmic and cosmogonic mythology and symbolism Vol. 1 - J. O'neill 1893 The night of the gods; an inquiry into cosmic and cosmogonic mythology and symbolism Vol. 2 - J. O'neill 1893 The obelisk and Freemasonry ... also, Egyptian symbols compared with those discovered in American mounds - J. A. Weisse 1880 The Origin of Masonic Ritual & Tradition as Manifested by the Geometrical Design and Symbolism - Rowbottom W 1880 The philosophy of numbers; their tone and colors - S. J. Baliett 1908 The Pictorial Symbols of Alchemy - A E Waite The premium essay on the characteristics and laws of prophetic symbols - E. Winthrop 1854 The religion of the ancient Celts - J. A. MacCulloch 1911 The sacred beetle - a popular treatise on Egyptian scarabs in art and history - J. Ward 1902 The Secret Symbols of The Rosicrucians (Book I) The Serpent Symbol In America - E Squier The Sex Worship & Symbolism of Primitive Races - S Brown The swastika - E. Butts 1908 The swastika - the earliest known symbol, and its migrations - T. Wilson 1896 The Symbol & Odd Fellows' Magazine Vol I & II - 1843 The Symbol and Odd Fellows magazine Vol III 1844 The Symbol of Glory - G Oliver The symbolical language of ancient art and mythology; an inquiry - R. R. Knight 1892 The Symbolism of Chinese Porcelains - 1907 [3-page Article] The Symbolism of churches and church ornaments - W. Durandus 1893 The symbolism of colour - E. Conroy 1921 The Symbolism of Freemasonry - A G Mackey The Symbolism Of Freemasonry - Mackey A G The Symbolism of Freemasonry - or Mystic Masonry - Buck J.D 1925 The Symbolism of the Tarot - P D Ouspensky The symbolism of Voltaire's novels, with special references to Zadig - W. R. Price 1911 The symbolisms of heraldry, or, A treatise on the meanings and derivations of armorial bearings - W Wade 1898 The symbolist movement in literature - A. Symons 1899 The tabernacle, or the Gospel according to Moses - G. Junkin 1865 The tree of mythology, its growth and fruitage genesis of the nursery tale, saws of folk-lore, etc. - C. Mills 1889 The trinities of the ancients; or, The mythology of the first ages - R. Mushet 1837 The uses of symbolism in Greek art - J. M. Macdonald 1922 The whims of the ages; the moon the mother of all things; the day of doom and the flight of the gods - J. M. Woolsey 1916 Trichotomy in Roman law - H. Goudy 1910 Types of the Holy Spirit and other addresses - M. M. Bales 1900 Vedic mythology - A. A. Macdonell 1897 What's in your name - C. W. Cheasley 1916 Wishfulfillment and symbolism in fairy tales - F. Ricklin 1915 You and the universe, a book of numbers - E. C. Wilson 1922
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