A truly unique and wonderful collection of over 320 rare, out-of-print books compiled together for the first time on one USB flash drive covering all aspects of the life of the REV. JOHN WESLEY & THE HISTORY OF THE METHODIST CHURCH.
Discover the origin, history and progress of Methodism in Britain, Europe and America. Explore the works, teachings and sermons of its founder – John Wesley. Some of the books contained within this stunning collection are extremely hard-to-find and will provide a valuable library of reference material – several are rare original works that date from 1700’s, when John Wesley was alive and preaching! Overall, this is an absolute must for anyone interested in Methodism, the history of the Methodist Church and the life and works of John Wesley. The full list of titles included speaks for itself….
This superb compilation of 322 vintage books provides literally 1,000’s of pages of great content and fabulous photos / illustrations for the reader. All of the books have been scanned in high quality and preserved forever in pdf format - easy to read on your laptop or computer, or transfer to tablet, smartphone, kindle or e-reader. You can also print entire books or select pages.
This is without doubt the most extensive collection of its kind - compiled over time by rare-book-collections, and only available here!
The Full List of Titles Included is as Follows:
A Christian Library -consisting of extracts from and abridgements of the choicest pieces of practical divinity which have been published in the English tongue Vols. 1 – 21, 23 - 29 - J. Wesley (1819)
A Collection of hymns for the nativity of our Lord; and for New-year's-day - J. Wesley (1810)
A collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church, principally from the collection of the Rev. John Wesley (1821)
A collection of hymns, for camp meetings, revivals, etc. - for the use of the Primitive Methodists - H. Bourne (1821)
A collection of hymns, for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church, principally from the collection of the Rev. John Wesley (1839)
A Collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists - J. Wesley (1829)
A collection of interesting tracts, explaining several important points of scripture doctrine - J. Wesley (1832)
A companion to the Wesleyan hymn-book - J. Wesley (1852)
A comparison of the religious educational work of John Wesley with the religious educational work of Heinrich Pestalozzi - M. C. Armstrong (1921)
A compendious history of American Methodism - A. Stevens (1867)
A compendium of natural philosophy, being a survey of the wisdom of God in the creation Vols. 1 - 3 - J. Wesley (1842)
A history of Methodism in the United States Vols. 1 & 2 - J. M. Buckley (1897)
A history of Methodism Vol. 2 - H. M. Du Bose (1916)
A history of the origin and development of the Governing Conference in Methodism - T. B. Neely (1892)
A history of the rise of Methodism in America - J. Lednum (1859)
A letter to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley, concerning his inconsistency with himself - W. Parker (1766)
A new history of Methodism Vols. 1 & 2 - W. J. Townsend (1909)
A plain account of Christian perfection, as believed and taught by the Rev. Mr. John Wesley, from the year 1725 to the year 1777 - J. Wesley (1785)
A sermon on the death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield. Preached at the chapel in Tottenham-court-road, and at the tabernacle near Moorfields, on Sunday, November 18, 1770 - J. Wesley
A survey of the wisdom of God in the creation; or, A compendium of natural philosophy Vols. 1 - 5 - J. Wesley (1809)
An alarm to Methodism with an account of the reconstitution of a Methodist church at Leith in Scotland; and John Wesley's sermon on the reformation of manners - J. Macdonald (1903)
An alphabetical arrangement of all the Wesleyan Methodist ministers and preachers on trail in connexion with the British and Irish Conferences - W. Hill (1896)
An elegy on the death of the Rev. John Wesley, M. A (1844)
Anecdotes of the Wesleys illustrative of their character and personal history - J. B. Wakeley (1878)
Byrom and the Wesleys - E. Hoole (1864)
Christian correspondence - being a collection of letters written by the late Rev. John Wesley and several Methodist preachers - J. Wesley (1809)
Christian perfection - J. Wesley, J. Wood (1921)
Christ's kingdom and church in the nineteenth century - H. B. Kendall (1901)
Constitutional and parliamentary history of the Methodist Episcopal church - J. M. Buckley (1912)
Diary of Kitty Trevylyan. A story of the times of Whitefield and the Wesleys - E. R. Charles (1866)
Early Methodists under persecution - J. H. Barr (1916)
Entire sanctification attainable in this life - J. Wesley (1898)
Entire sanctification; Christian perfection, stated and defended - J. Wesley (1838)
Essays in Puritanism - A. Macphail (1905)
Experience and gospel labours of the Rev. Benjamin Abbott - to which is annexed a narrative of his life and death; also, extracts from the journal of the Rev. John Wesley - J. Firth (1844)
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament - J. Wesley (1754)
Extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal Vols. 1 - 3 - J. Wesley (1744)
Forty-four sermons - J. Wesley (18--)
Free grace - a sermon preach'd at Bristol - J. Wesley (1739)
Free Methodist hymnal (1910)
From Epworth to London with John Wesley - G. W. Edmondson (1890)
Funeral hymns - J. Wesley (1785)
God's black diamonds ; chats with boys and girls about their dusky kinsfolk in Africa - W. J. Ward (1919)
Half-hours with The Methodist hymn-book - M. Champness (1905)
Heart religion - J. Mudge (1913)
Heroic stature; five addresses - N. Sheppard (1897)
History of Methodism in Ireland - C. H. Crookshank (1885)
History of the life and times of John Wesley - A. Stevens (1864)
History of the Methodist Church within the territories embraced in the late conference of eastern British America Vols. 1 & 2 - T. W. Smith (1877)
History of the Primitive Methodist Church - H. B. Kendall (1919)
History of Wesleyan Methodism Vols. 1 - 3 - G. Smith (1859)
Hymns and sacred poems - J. Wesley (1743)
Hymns for New-year's-day - J. Wesley (1772)
Hymns of intercession for all mankind - J. & C. Wesley (1758)
Hymns of petition and thanksgiving for the promise of the Father - J. Wesley (1801)
Hymns on the Lord's Supper; with a preface concerning the Christian sacrament and sacrifice - J. Wesley (1825)
In the power of God - the history of a religious movement - J. W. Chappell (1901)
John Bennet's copy of the minutes of the conferences of 1744, 1745, 1747 and 1748 - with Wesley's copy of those for 1746 (1896)
John Wesley - a study for the times - T. J. Dodd (1891)
John Wesley - E. Hubbard (1907)
John Wesley - F. Banfield (1900)
John Wesley - J. H. Overton (1891)
John Wesley - J. J. Ellis (1891)
John Wesley - R. Green (1887)
John Wesley - the man and his mission - G. H. Pike (1904)
John Wesley and George Whitefield in Scotland; or, The influence of the Oxford Methodists on Scottish religion - D. Butler (1898)
John Wesley and the evangelical reaction of the eighteenth century - J. Wedgwood (1870)
John Wesley and the Methodist societies - J. S. Simon (1922)
John Wesley and the religious societies - J. S. Simon (1921)
John Wesley as a social reformer - D. Thompson (1898)
John Wesley et le méthodisme - C. de Remusat (1870)
John Wesley in company with high churchmen - H. W. Holden (1869)
John Wesley the Methodist - a plain account of his life and work - J. F. Hurst (1903)
John Wesley, an evolutionist W. H. Mills (1893)
John Wesley, evangelist - R. Green (1905)
John Wesley's idea of authority in the state - J. Leaton (1883)
John Wesley's idea of authority in the state - J. R. Kapp (1912)
John Wesley's place in history - W. Wilson (1915)
John Wesley's quest - J. A. Chapman (1902)
Justification by faith alone - J. Wesley (1762)
La Jeunesse de Wesley - A. Leger (1910)
Life and times of the Rev. Samuel Wesley, M.A., Rector of Epworth, and father of the Revs. John and Charles Wesley, the founders of the Methodists - L. Tyermann (1866)
Life of John Wesley - B. W. Bond (1891)
Life of Rev. Parkinson Milson, Primitive Methodist minister - G. Shaw (1893)
Life of Wesley - and rise and progress of Methodism Vols. 1 & 2 - R. Southey (1846)
Living thoughts of John Wesley, a comprehensive selection of the living thoughts of the founder of Methodism as contained in his miscellaneous works - J. H. Potts (1891)
Living Wesley as he was in his youth and in his prime - J. H. Rigg (1874)
Memoirs of the late Rev. John Wesley, A.M., with a review of his life and writings, and a History of Methodism, from it's commencement in 1729, to the present time Vols. 1 - 3 - J. Hampson (1791)
Memorials of the introduction of Methodism into the eastern states - A. Stevens (1848)
Memorials of the Wesley family - G. J. Stevenson (1876)
Men of might, studies of great characters - A. C. Benson (1921)
Methodism - H. B. Workman (1912)
Methodism in Canada, its work and its story - A. Sutherland (1904)
Methodist hymn and tune book - official hymn book of the Methodist Church (1919)
Methodist hymnology - comprehending notices of the poetical works of John and Charles Wesley - D. Creamer (1848)
Minutes of several conversations between the Rev. John Wesley, M.A., and others, from the year 1744 to the year 1789 (1827)
Minutes of several conversations, between the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., and the preachers in connexion with him (1797)
Minutes of the Methodist conferences, from the first, held in London, by the late Rev. John Wesley, A.M., in the year 1744 - Vol. 4 1814-1818 (1818)
Minutes of the Methodist conferences, from the first, held in London, by the late Rev. John Wesley, A.M., in the year 1744 - Vol. 19 1873-1875 (1877)
Miscellaneous tracts - A. O'leary (1781)
Modern developments in Methodism - W. Redfern (1906)
Narrative of a remarkable transaction in the early life of John Wesley - J. Wesley (1862)
Northern primitive Methodism - record of the rise and progress of the circuits in the Old Sunderland District - W. M. Patterson (1909)
Observations on Southey's Life of Wesley - being a defence of the character, labours, and opinions of Mr. Wesley, against the misrepresentations of that publication - R. Watson (1820)
Oglethorpe and the Wesleys in America - E. Hoole (1863)
Original letters by the Rev. John Wesley, and his friends - illustrative of his early history, with other curious papers (1791)
Primitive physick, or, An easy and natural method of curing most diseases - J. Wesley (1770)
Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society Vol. 1 (1898)
Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society Vol. 7 (1910)
Reasons against a separation from the Church of England - J. Wesley (1758)
Religious enthusiasm considered; in eight sermons, preached before the University of Oxford, in the year MDCCCII - G. F. Nott (1803)
Rev. John Wesley's valuable primitive remedies, or, An easy and natural method of curing most diseases - J. Wesley (1880)
Rules of the band societies, drawn up December 25, 1738 - J. Wesley (1780)
Select hymns with tunes annext, designed chiefly for the use of the people called Methodists - J. Wesley (1761)
Select letters, chiefly on personal religion - J. Wesley (1839)
Select psalms, arranged for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church - J. Wesley (1891)
Selections from the writings of the Rev. John Wesley - H. Welch (1901)
Sermons on several occasions Vols. 1 - 3 - J. Wesley (1831 Edition)
Sermons on several occasions (Fifth Ed.) Vol. 1 - J. Wesley (1788 - 1800)
Sermons on several occasions Vol. 2 - J. Wesley (1810)
Sermons on several occasions Vol. 5 - J. Wesley (1806)
Sermons on several occasions Vols. 5, 7 & 9 - J. Wesley (1788)
Sermons, on several occasions - J. Wesley (1810)
Sketch of the life of Rev. John Wesley, M.A. - H. Johnston (1891)
Slavery, a sin against God - L. Lee, J. Wesley (1887)
Studies in the life of John Wesley - E. B. Chappell (1916)
The beauties of the Rev. J. Wesley, M. A. containing the most interesting passages selected from his whole works - J. Wesley (1817)
The centenary life of Wesley - E. C. Kenyon (1891)
The centenary of American Methodism - a sketch of its history, theology, practical system, and success - A. Stevens (1866)
The centenary; A commemorative poem including occasional sketches of men and events in the history of Methodism - T. Martin (1839)
The centennial of New England Methodism - G. A. Crawford (1891)
The character of a Methodist - J. Wesley (1814)
The churchmanship of John Wesley, and the relations of Wesleyan Methodism to the Church of England - J. H. Rigg (1886)
The connexional economy of Wesleyan Methodism in its ecclesiastical and spiritual aspects - J. H. Rigg (1879)
The doctrine of absolute predestination stated and asserted - G. Zanchi (1811)
The doctrine of original sin according to scripture, reason, and experience - J. Wesley (1757)
The doctrines of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America Vols. 1 & 2 - J. J. Tiggert (1902)
The Eucharistic manuals of John and Charles Wesley, reprinted from the original editions of 1748-57-94 - J. Wesley (1880)
The experience of several eminent Methodist preachers. With an account of their call to, and success in the ministry. In a series letters, written by themselves, to John Wesley (1821)
The Experience of several eminent Methodist preachers with an account of their call to and success in the ministry - J. Pawson (1812)
The general rules of the Primitive Methodist Church - unknown author (1912)
The heart of John Wesley's Journal - J. Wesley (1903)
The History and mystery of Methodist episcopacy, or, a glance at the institutions of the church, as we received them from our fathers - A. M'Cain (1827)
The History of American Methodism - E. S. Bucke (1885)
The history of the Primitive Methodist Connexion from its origin to the Conference of 1860, the first year of the Connexion - J. Petty (1864)
The history of the religious movement of the eighteenth century, called Methodism Vols. 1 - 3 - A. Stevens (1800)
The homes, haunts, and friends of John Wesley (1891)
The illustrated history of Methodism in Great Britain, America, and Australia - W. H. Daniels (1884)
The influence of mysticism on Wesley and Methodism - S. M. Baker (1922)
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley Vols. 1 - 4 - J. Wesley (1906)
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley Vols. 2 - 4 - J. Wesley (1827)
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford (Standard Edition) Vols. 1 - 8 - J. Wesley (1909 - 1916)
The life and times of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A. founder of the Methodists Vols. 1 - 3 - L. Tyerman (1872)
The life of John Wesley - C. T. Winchester (1906)
The life of Rev. John Wesley, A. M - E. Davies (1887)
The Life of the Rev. Charles Wesley, M.A., sometime student of Christ-Church, Oxford Vols. 1 & 2 - T. Jackson (1841)
The life of the Rev. John Wesley. With some account of his ancestors and relations and the life of the Rev. Charles Wesley - J. Whitehead (1884)
The life of the Rev. John Wesley ... Collected from his private papers and printed works - J. Whitehead (1846)
The life of the Rev. John Wesley ... founder of the Methodist societies - R. Watson (1853)
The life of the Rev. John Wesley - W. H. Norris (1850)
The life of the Rev. John Wesley , to which are subjoined Observations on Southey's Life of Wesley - R. Watson (1857)
The life of the Rev. John Wesley in which are included, the life of his brother, the Rev. Charles Wesley, and memoirs of their family Vols. 1 & 2 - H. Moore (1824)
The life of the Rev. John Wesley, A. M., with memoirs of the Wesley family - G. Bourne (1807)
The life of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M. including an account of the great revival of religion in Europe and America - T. Coke (1792)
The love that prevailed - F. F. Moore (1907)
The makers of Wesleyan Methodism in Preston and the relation of Methodism to the Temperance & Tee-total Movements - W. Pilkington (1890)
The marrow of Methodism, twelve sermons - J. Wesley (1886)
The Methodist hymn-book and its associations - G. J. Stevenson (1872)
The Methodist hymn-book illustrated - J. Telford (1906)
The Methodist who's who (1912)
The miscellaneous works of the Rev. John Wesley Vols. 1 - 3 - J. Wesley (1828)
The origin and history of the Primitive Methodist Church Vols. 1 & 2 - H. B. Kendall (1906)
The philosophy of Methodism - J. B. Wentworth (1866)
The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley, reprinted from the originals with the last corrections of the authors Vols. 1 - 12 - J. & C. Wesley (1868)
The popular history of Methodism - J. Telford (1899)
The popular history of Methodism - J. Telford (1900)
The Primitive Methodist hymnal, with accompanying tunes - G. Booth (1889)
The romance of our Sunday schools - a brief centenary narrative of the origin, history, and wonderful progress, of the Sunday schools of the Primitive Methodist Church - S. S. Henshaw (1911)
The romance of Primitive Methodism - J. Ritson (1909)
The saints' everlasting rest, or, A treatise of the blessed state of the saints in their enjoyment of God in glory - J. Wesley (1794)
The scheme of Christian and philosophical necessity asserted, in opposition to Mr. John Wesley's tract on that subject - A. M. Toplady (1775)
The Scripture doctrine of original sin, prosped to free and candid examination - J. Taylor (1767)
The separation of the Methodists from the Church of England - R. L. Tucker (1918)
The sermons with introductions analysis and notes - J. Wesley (1881)
The significance of the conversion-experience of May 24, 1738, in the life of John Wesley - J. D. Lee (1921)
The story of Methodism throughout the world - A. B. Hyde (1889)
The story of Methodism tracing the rise and progress of that wonderful religious movement - A. B. Hyde (1887)
The Sunday service of the Methodists in North America - with other occasional services - J. Wesley (1784)
The Sunday service of the Methodists; with other occasional services - J. Wesley (1876)
The three religious leaders of Oxford and their movements, John Wycliffe, John Wesley, John Henry Newman - S. P. Cadman (1916)
The time of the end a prophetic period, developing, as predicted, an increase of knowledge respecting the prophecies and periods that foretell the end - various authors (1856)
The times and the teaching of John Wesley - A. W. Little (1905)
The Wesley birthday book, from the writings of John Wesley and the poetry of Charles Wesley for each day of the year - J. Wesley (1887)
The Wesley memorial volume; or, Wesley and the Methodist movement - J. Clark (1881)
The Wesley offering; or, Wesley and his times - D. Holmes (1852)
The Wesley yearbook, or, Practical quotations from the Rev. John Wesley - M. Y. Kelly (1900)
The Wesleyan standards, sermons Vols. 1 & 2 - J. Wesley (1887)
The Works of John and Charles Wesley - R. Green (1896)
The Works of the Rev. John Wesley in ten volumes Vols. 1 - 10 - J. Wesley (1826)
The young people's Wesley - W. Mcdonald (1901)
Thoughts upon slavery - J. Wesley (1774)
Walter - a tale of the times of Wesley - E. Leslie (1880)
Wesley & Swedenborg - E. R. Keyes (1895)
Wesley and early Methodism - A. K. Davis (1884)
Wesley and his century, a study in spiritual forces - W. H. Fitchett (1922)
Wesley and his coadjutors Vols. 1 & 2 - W. C. Larrabee (1851)
Wesley and his friends, illustrating the religious spirit of their times - Z. A. Mudge (1856)
Wesley and his work ; or, Methodism and missions - W. A. Candler (1912)
Wesley and Methodism - F. J. Snell (1900)
Wesley and Woolman an appraisal and comparison - J. F. Newton (1914)
Wesley as sociologist, theologian, churchman - J. A. Faulkner (1918)
Wesley bicentennial, Wesleyan University (1904)
Wesley his own biographer - J. Wesley (1891)
Wesley the Anglican - D. Baines-Griffiths (1919)
Wesley the man, his teaching, and his work - J. Wesley (1891)
Wesley the worthy, and Wesley the Catholic - O. T. Dobbin (1850)
Wesley, and Methodism - I. Taylor (1851)
Wesleyan Methodist hymn book, comprising the collection by the Rev. John Wesley, A.M. - J. Wesley (1869)
Wesleyana, or, A complete system of Wesleyan theology - J. Wesley (1840)
Wesley's designated successor the life, letters, and literary labours of the Rev. John William Fletcher - L. Tyermann (1882)
Wesley's doctrinal standards; part 1, The sermons. With introductions, analysis and notes - N. Burwash (1881)
Wesley's house, sermons and addresses delivered in Wesley's Chapel at the dedicating services held on February 27 and 28, March 1 and 2, 1898 (1898)
Wesley's hymns and the Methodist Sunday-school hymn-book - J. Wesley (1876)
Wesley's last love - A. Leger (1910)
Wesley's letters to young women - J. Wesley (1894)
Wesley's only American home; the Wesley bi-centenary celebration in Savannah, Ga., June 25-29, 1903 (1903)
Wesley's sermons - Sin in believers, Repentance in believers, Scripture way of salvation, Patience, Perfection - J. Wesley (1903)
Wesley's standard sermons Vols. 1 & 2 - J. Wesley (1920)
Wesley's view of entire sanctification - D. A. Whedon (1850)
Works of John And Charles Wesley; a bibliography containing an exact account of all the publications issued by the brothers Wesley - R. Green (1896)
An absolute must for anyone with an interest the history of the Methodist Church, Methodist teachings and the life and works of John Wesley – an unbelievable treasure trove of information for a very small price!
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