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A Child's View of Grief: A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Counselors

Parents, teachers, and other adults can learn through this concise and caring guide to how children and adolescents grieve after someone they love dies. Exploring the six reconciliation needs of mourning, this helpful resource recognizes that grieving children are especially deserving of an emotional environment of love and acceptance. Including a historical perspective on children and death, this handbook helps adults recognize the importance of empathy toward a grieving child, and provides guidelines for involving children in funeral services. These suggestions can help anyone who wants to help young people better cope with grief so that they can go on to become emotionally healthy adults themselves.

10.10$ Buy It Now

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Seller loveourprices2 ( 100169 ⭐ ) 96.6%
Location: East Hanover, US, NJ
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length21.5 cm

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