I have titled this book 'A Christian's Last Bible Study' because after a person partakes in the studies that I share in this book, that person will be forced to make a decision as to follow Jesus or to follow the Church. And I'm convinced that after studying Jesus' words, Jesus will set us free from all church deceptions, and we will no longer feel as though we belong in a Christian Church. This certainly would be your last Bible study, but perhaps your last one as a Christian. We need to ponder, who is a 'true Christian'? Is it the person a 'true Christian' when they keep all of the Christian Church's doctrines and teachings and accept the Church's creeds? Or is a person a 'true Christian' when they follow the teachings of Jesus the Christ? Perhaps right now you don't see the difference between Jesus' teachings and the Church's teachings, however that will become clear as you continue to study this book. Once you understand the difference you will be forced to choose between following Jesus' teachings or the Christian Church's teachings. And as I will show you, there is a great deal of difference between what Jesus taught and what the Christian Church's doctrines teach. The teachings of Jesus and the teachings of the Church doctrines are often not compatible, and often they contradict each other. And, ultimately, we all have to choose whether to follow the Church's teachings or follow Jesus' teachings. If we chose to follow Jesus' teachings, we will be a 'true Christian' by Jesus' standard, but we will be a heretic by the standard of the Christian Church. This book has thirteen chapters in which will tells us why we must reject Christian Church doctrines and creeds. I have added the fourteenth and fifteenth chapters as a bonus, partially explaining why the Christian Church has been derailed from God's narrow path leading to eternal life. So, put your seat belt on, lower your defenses by setting aside manmade creeds and church doctrines, and open your mind to Jesus' words, and then hang on for a ride that will change your life now, as well as your eternal life.
I was a senior at a major Protestant Theological Seminar when realized that there was no way to reconcile Jesus' words to Christian Church doctrines. So I had to decide to either forsake Jesus' words or the Church and its doctrines. I choose to discard Church doctrines and to follow Jesus' words. I am a truth seeker, still seeking after more truth from Jesus words. Jesus said he is to be our only teacher (Matthew 23:10) and I'm happy to accept him as my sole teacher.