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A Companion to the Philosophy of Robert Kilwardby by Lagerlund & Thom, Hardcover

A Companion to the Philosophy of Robert Kilwardby by Henrik Lagerlund & Paul Thom, Hardcover. Volume 37 in the "Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition" series. Condition is Brand New. Cardinal and Archbishop of Canterbury Robert Kilwardby OP (c. 1215-1279) was a very important and influential thinker in his time, but he has not received the scholarly attention that he deserves. In this book we present the first study of all of his philosophical thinking from logic and grammar to metaphysics and ethics. ISBN: 9789004235946 Shipped with USPS Media Mail.

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ConditionBrand New
SeriesBrill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, Volume 37
Publication Year2013
Book TitleA Companion to the Philosophy of Robert Kilwardby
AuthorHenrik Lagerlund, Paul Thom
TopicBooks, Medieval, Philosophy

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