Marjorie C. Ringler describes a professional development framework to teach principals and teachers the value of Academic Language Literacy (ALL) as the key to academic success. Typically mainstream classroom teachers and principals do not purchase books solely on academic language literacy because they see this as the domain of the ESL teacher. Academic Language Literacy: Developing Instructional Leadership Skills for Principals and Teachers infuses this knowledge through a three pronged approach (content, context, and process) to effective professional development. This book addresses educators who are looking for a research based approach to improving academic success for students who come to school language deficient and deficient in the background knowledge necessary for success in school. An innovative approach to improving instruction illustrates that all teachers are language teachers if the language being taught is that of their content. Practical examples are included for instructional leaders to use when planning, implementing, and evaluating professional development. Teachers also get practical examples for integrating academic language literacy in all content areas. Strategies include both teaching and learning methods that promote academic language awareness and student-centered approaches.