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AI-Generated Popular Culture: A Semiotic Perspective by Marcel Danesi

This book gives a general overview of Artificial Intelligence as it is impacting on the world of the arts and culture. What is AI-generated pop culture? What does a movie, a musical work, a novel, or song created entirely by a generative AI imply in terms of our notions of creativity? What is the semiotic dynamic (the meaning-making impulse that humans imprint in sign and textual forms) that is involved in an AI-produced work? No comprehensive treatment exists of the profound implications that AI-generated pop culture entails, including how it might affect cultural evolution and how we interpret artistic artifacts. Such a treatment is critical at this moment, and this book aims to fill this gap.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 197 pages, 2024 Edition
AuthorMarcel Danesi
Book TitleAI-Generated Popular Culture: A Semiotic Perspecti
Item Height1.4 cm
Item Length21 cm
Item Weight0.41 kg
Item Width14.8 cm
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan

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