What if you could prevent and even treat health problems like arthritis and hypertension - just by altering the food you eat?What if there were a way to reverse 10+ years of bad food decisions, in as little as 2 weeks?Or if a couple of tiny changes in your diet could lead to big improvements in your overall health.You see, alkaline foods can preserve gut health, slow doing the aging process and help prevent health issues from headaches to diabetes.And celebrities like Kelly Ripa use the diet to help them look 10 years younger. Ripa also credits the diet with healing her chronic pain issues.But it's not just the rich and famous who are utilizing this life changing diet.One mother of two in early mid 30s used an alkaline diet to lose 40lbs in just 4 months...and even most importantly...she no longer has to take her Rheumatoid Arthritis medication. Less than a year lately she completed her first half marathon!Or the husband and wife team who both lost over 25lbs in two months. The husband was suffering from severe lung disease, which resulted in him being out of breath after only a short walk. Thanks to an alkaline diet, he can now walk longer distances without trouble.In this book you'll discover: What everyone needs to know about the link between alkaline diet and cancer - Page 54Alkaline Water: Myth or Miracle? - Page 106Suffering from headaches and fatigue for no identifiable reason? - this could be why - Page 24Eat these 3 foods to immediately have a positive effect on your blood pressure - Page 517 Powerful juice recipes to combat hypertension - Page 53This old school drink is also one of the most effective anti-inflammatory treatments - Page 64The #1 fruit for healing your liver - Page 65Why staying indoors may be harming your gut health - Page 72The world's #1 Alkaline Superfood for weight loss (this fat fighter is not even marketed as "healthy" and available in every grocery store in the country) - Page 76You current diet may put you at risk for this disease, even if you don't show any symptoms - Page 45WORSE THAN COCAINE: Consuming too much of this food is worse for your body than a schedule 1 drug! - Page 48...plus a 7 day alkaline eating plan to get you on the right track immediatelyThe positive effects of this diet go beyond weight loss - alkaline dieters have reported significant health improvements including: "Unbelievable energy levels""No more swelling of the hands and feet""No more breathing problems""Sleep apnea better""I'm off all my Rheumatoid meds"Plus - you don't need to go vegan to get all the benefits!Inside you'll discover that you can still eat meat - without hampering your resultsAnd nearly all foods discussed in the book are readily available in your local grocery store or online.So if you're ready to make life changing health improvements, including freedom from chronic pain - then scroll up and click "add to cart"