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An Introduction to Child Theology by James M Houston [Paperback]

These essays in this book are pastoral and scholarly, to encourage parents to nurture and foster Christian family life by learning from scripture and history. Beginning with the mythopoetic story of Adam and Eve, and the fratricide of Abel by the envy of Cain, the stories of the sacrifices parents made, then moving on to the stories of Abraham and Isaac, Ruth and her mother-in-law, Hannah and her son Samuel, Jeremiah the child prophet, these stories form our moral imaginations.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 322 pages
AuthorJames M Houston (Edited by)
Book TitleAn Introduction to Child Theology by James M Houst
Item Height1.8 cm
Item Length22.9 cm
Item Weight0.47 kg
Item Width15.2 cm
PublisherCascade Books

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