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An Introduction to the Philosophy and Religion of Taoism: Pathways to

In its rich evolution from antiquity to present times, Chinese religion has encompassed manifold religious expressions. Taoism is one facet of Chinese religion, and exemplifies particularly well the variety of beliefs and practices that humankind has adopted and experienced in the search for answers to both ultimate and proximate questions about life and death. This book explores the different pathways Taoism took in that search, touching at many points on the other interrelated facets of Chinese religion in Confucianism, Buddhism and popular religion. The mystical, philosophical traditions of Taoism are analysed, as well as the more colourful and overtly religious strands of Taoism.

73.49$ Buy It Now

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Location: East Hanover, US, NJ
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ConditionBrand New
Recommended Age Range12+ years
Item Height2 cm
Item Length24.4 cm
Item Weight0.5 kg
Item Width17 cm

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