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Ancestry Reimagined: Dismantling the Myth of Genetic Ethnicities by Kostas Kampo

Ancestry Reimagined by Kostas Kampourakis. This can boost a sense of cultural pride and prosocial behaviors among communities that are perceived to be similar. In 10 accessible chapters, he explains the assumptionsunderlying the scientific study of ancestry, and the resulting paradoxes that are often overlooked.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleAncestry Reimagined : Dismantling the Myth of Genetic Ethnicities
PublisherOxford University Press, Incorporated
Item Length6.6 in
Publication Year2023
Item Height1.4 in
AuthorKostas Kampourakis
GenreSocial Science, Psychology
TopicSocial Psychology, Anthropology / General
Item Weight16.8 Oz
Item Width9.1 in
Number of Pages240 Pages

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