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Approaches and Methods of Science Teaching and Sustainable Development

This book "Approaches and Methods of Science Teaching and Sustainable Development", edited by Dr. David González Gómez and Dr. Jin Su Jeong, aims to provide a solid research corpus for addressing the challenges needed to provide adequate science and sustainable development education to scholars with different levels of education. Sustainability is starting to form a part of the curricula for many educational institutions. However, efforts must be taken to ensure proper implementation and development of sustainability-oriented topics seeking the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in higher education as well as fresh perspectives on continuing challenges.

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 284 pages
AuthorDavid Gonz´alez-G´omez (Guest Editor)
Item Height2.4 cm
Item Length24.4 cm
Item Weight0.81 kg
Item Width17 cm
PublisherMdpi AG

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