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Arduino Workshop, John Boxall

Author: John Boxall. All code is explained with the goal of taking readers to the point where they can invent their own projects rather than simply build existing ones. The book's 65+ hands-on projects reinforce the learning, increasing in complexity and sophistication as the book progresses.

38.32$ Buy It Now

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Location: Zwiesel, DE
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ConditionBrand New
BrandRandom House LLC US
VerlagRandom House LLC US
AutorJohn Boxall
Format230x177x26 mm
MarkeRandom House LLC US
FachbereichHardcover/Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik/Te...
PublikationstitelArduino Workshop
BuchtitelArduino Workshop
Film-/Fernseh-TitelKeine Angabe
PublikationsnameArduino Workshop
MusiktitelKeine Angabe
InterpretKeine Angabe

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