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Asia and the Secular: Francophone Perspectives in a Global Age (Religion and

This volume looks at the secular state in the context of contemporary Asia and investigates whether there existed before modernity antecedents to the condition of secularity, understood as the differentiation of the sphere of the religious from other spheres of social life. The chapters presented in this book examine this issue in national contexts by looking at the historical formation of lexicons that defined the "secular", the "secular state," and "secularism". This approach requires paying attention to modern vernacular languages and their precedents in written traditions with often a very long tradition. This book presents three interpretive frameworks: multiple modernities, variety of secularisms, and typologies of post-colonial secular states.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 253 pages
AuthorPascal Bourdeaux (Edited by)
Book TitleAsia and the Secular: Francophone Perspectives in
Item Height2.3 cm
Item Length23.1 cm
Item Weight0.49 kg
Item Width15 cm
PublisherDe Gruyter

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