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Asian Families in Canada and the United States : Implications for Mental Heal...

Chapters use an interdisciplinary approach to provide more comprehensive coverage of the vast diversity as well as common trends and shared characteristics of Asian families. Experiences of families of East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian, and West Asian ancestry across Canada and the United States.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitleAsian Families in Canada and the United States : Implications for
Subject AreaSocial Work, Children & Family, Clinical Psychology
Publication NameAsian Families in Canada and the United States: Implications for Mental Health and Well-Being
PublisherSpringer Nature Switzerland A&G
Publication Year2021
SeriesAdvances in Immigrant Family Research
Item Height235 mm
AuthorSaadia Akram-Pall, Susan S. Chuang, Roy Moodley, Uwe P. Gielen
Item Weight635 g
Item Width155 mm
Number of Pages295 Pages

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