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Avoiding the Arrogance Cycle: What Every Investor Needs To Know To Protect Their

How does the average investor protect their assets?. How do they keep their financial goals in sight and their arrogance in check?. Throughout the book, he sifts through the wreckage of previous crashes and downturns and finds the proverbial black box of evidence to support his contention that collectively we are the ones responsible.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Publication Year2012
FormatTrade Paperback
Book TitleAvoiding the Arrogance Cycle : What Every Investor Needs to Know to Protect Their Assets from the Next Big Bubble
AuthorMichael K. Farr
PublisherGlobe Pequot Press, T.H.E.
GenreBusiness & Economics
Item Length9 in
TopicInvestments & Securities / Analysis & Trading Strategies, Economic Conditions, Personal Finance / General, Investments & Securities / General
Item Weight0.7 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages240 Pages

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