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Awakened Brand: Five Steps for Creating an Awakened Brand by Tapping Into the

Your brand's value is based on more than just an eye-catching logo and whether your product beats the competition's product. Today, a brand's value is often defined by its self-awareness, true authenticity, and relevancy. If a brand isn't in complete synergy with the consumers' tastes, sensibilities, and desires, there is more to worry about than a logo. Consumers are looking for brands that will impact their lives in tangible, positive, and lasting ways.

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GuaranteeeBay Money Back Guarantee
ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 54 pages
Recommended Age Range12+ years
AuthorVirginie Glaenzer
Book TitleAwakened Brand: Five Steps for Creating an Awakene
Item Height0.4 cm
Item Length21.6 cm
Item Weight0.1 kg
Item Width14 cm
PublisherCreatespace Independent Publishing Platform

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