WHAT CHURCH LEADERS ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS BOOKToday's preacher has plenty of challenges to overcome. With this book, Lane calls us to a level of excellence that pastors need to achieve if we are going to capture the attention of a highly distracted world. If you are looking to take your preaching to the next level, this book will help.
-Carey Nieuwhof, Founding Pastor of Connexus Church and author of Didn't See It Coming
In 16 years of pastoring, preaching was the one thing I did, which had the most potential for Kingdom impact, took the most time in my week, and yet where I always felt I could improve. This book reads easily, almost like Lane is sitting with you in a coaching session. I'm thankful for this comprehensive tool to help pastors do what we've been called to do.
-Ron Edmondson, CEO, Leadership Network
Two things I know for sure is everyone gets better with a coach and nothing grows a church faster than when a preacher gets better. Lane Sebring has combined these two principles in his new book Become A Preaching Ninja. This resource is a must-have for every preacher and commu-nicator. Lane has given us a gift! Get this book. Not only will you enjoy the results, so will those in your church!
-Brian Dodd, author or Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices of Apex Leaders and founder of
WOW! There is so much packed into Become a Preaching Ninja! The journey starts with the mindset and ends up with incredibly practical tactics. It's like a masterclass is kick-starting your preaching career! I wish they had this book on preaching when I was back in seminary. Pick up a few copies and go through it with your team!
-Rich Birch, author of Church Growth Flywheel and founder of UnSeminary
Preparing and preaching a sermon to a diverse congregation every week is an arduous journey. Thankfully, we have lead-ers like Lane Sebring publishing helpful books like Become a Preaching Ninja so you can continue your growth as a Gospel communicator.
-Justin Trapp, founder of Ministry Pass and Sermonary
Changing the world through compelling communication and preaching requires a never ending pursuit to improve our skills and strategies as preachers. Lane has written a helpful book full of practical tools that you can use immediately to take your communication to the next level, and see lives changed by the Gospel in the process!
-Rodney Arnold, Lead Pastor of OneLife Church Knoxville, TN
Do you want to take your preaching to the next level? Be-come a Preaching Ninja is the tool you need. Lane has put together a powerful guide for preachers of all experience levels. I have no doubt that if you put into practice what he teaches, your preaching will improve exponentially.
-Brandon Kelley, coauthor of Preaching Sticky Sermons, cofounder of Sticky Sermons Academy and br />WHAT TO EXPECT FROM BECOME A PREACHING NINJAIn Become a Preaching Ninja, author and pastor, Lane Sebring, reveals practical preparation and delivery techniques that will help you maximize your impact as a preacher. Discover how to: -Overcome destructive preaching mindsets -Master the often-neglected essentials of preparation - Harness the power of storytelling and humor to impact lives - Bring your listeners into a moment that leads to life-change - Maximize engagement every time you preach If you want to discover practical methods to communicate clearly and effectively every time you preach, this book is for you.