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Before and Beyond the Big Society : John Milbank and the Church of England's ...

John Milbank's theology has shaped much modern political thinking both within and without the Church. In Before and Beyond the 'Big Society', Joseph Forde presents the first study devoted exclusively to John Milbank's theology of welfare, and how it has influenced policy in the Church of England since 2008.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitleBefore and Beyond the Big Society : John Milbank and the Church o
Publication Year2022
FormatTrade Paperback
Subject AreaReligion, Political Science
Publication NameBefore and Beyond the 'big Society' : John Milbank and the Church of England's Approach to Welfare
AuthorJames Clarke & Co
PublisherClarke Company, The Limited, James
SubjectChristian Life / General, Political Process / General, Institutions & Organizations, Christianity / General
Item Weight64.6 Oz
Number of Pages324 Pages

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