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Bespoke : The Master Tailors of Savile Row, Hardcover by Sherwood, James; Hil...

This color-illustrated fashion book for students and general readers reveals the world of Savile Row in England, famous for bespoke tailoring, the making of hand-crafted suits. About 15 pages of appendices illustrate the anatomy of a suit and the making of a suit, and provide a glossary of the language of Savile Row and a Savile Row cloth directory.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitleSavile Row : the Master Tailors of British Bespoke
PublisherThames & Hudson
Item Length10.1 in
Publication Year2017
Item Height1.2 in
AuthorTom Ford, James Sherwood
GenreDesign, Business & Economics, Crafts & Hobbies
TopicTextile & Costume, Fashion, Commerce, Labor
Item Weight52.1 Oz
Item Width8.8 in
Number of Pages288 Pages

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