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Big Chief Elizabeth: The Adventures and Fate of the First English Colonists in A

In April 1586, Queen Elizabeth I acquired a new and exotic title. The news was received with great joy, both by the Queen and her favorite, Sir Walter Raleigh. For almost twenty years the fate of Raleigh's colonists was to remain a mystery.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleBig Chief Elizabeth : the Adventures and Fate of the First English Colonists in America
Item Length8.3 in
Publication Year2021
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height1 in
AuthorGiles Milton
TopicUnited States / Colonial Period (1600-1775), Europe / Great Britain / Tudor & Elizabethan Era (1485-1603), Expeditions & Discoveries
Item Weight10.9 Oz
Item Width5.5 in
Number of Pages368 Pages

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