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Big Goals: The Science of Setting Them, Achieving Them, and Creating Your Best L

CAROLINE ADAMS MILLER is best known for her groundbreaking work on goal setting, grit, happiness, and success for over three decades. She wrote the first evidence-based mass market guide to goal setting that combined the science of success with the science of well-being, Creating Your Best Life.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleBig Goals : the Science of Setting Them, Achieving Them, and Creating Your Best Life
PublisherWiley & Sons, Incorporated, John
Item Length9.4 in
Publication Year2024
Item Height1.1 in
AuthorCaroline Adams Miller
GenreSelf-Help, Business & Economics, Psychology
TopicPersonal Success, Personal Growth / General, General, Personal Growth / Success
Item Weight19 Oz
Item Width6.4 in
Number of Pages256 Pages

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