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Branding the Candidate: Marketing Strategies to Win Your Vote by Lisa D. Spiller

Lisa Spiller, PhD, is professor of marketing at Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA.Jeff Bergner, PhD, has served as staff director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and as assistant secretary of state.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleBranding the Candidate
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Business & Economics
Publication NameBranding the Candidate : Marketing Strategies to Win Your Vote
PublisherBloomsbury Publishing USA
Item Length9.2 in
SubjectMarketing / General, Political Process / Campaigns & Elections, General
Publication Year2011
SeriesPraeger Series in Political Communication Ser.
Item Height0.6 in
AuthorJeff Bergner, Lisa D. Spiller
Item Weight18 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages228 Pages

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