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Buried Truths and the Hyatt Skywalks: The Legacy of America's Epic Structural Fa

On July 17, without warning, the steel support systems buckled and the concrete and glass skywalks crashed onto the crowded lobby. The devastation reverberated far beyond the ruins. Within a year the skywalks were splintering inside.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleBuried Truths and the Hyatt Skywalks
Subject AreaTechnology & Engineering, Social Science, History
Publication NameBuried Truths and the Hyatt Skywalks : the Legacy of America's Epic Structural Failure
PublisherPurdue University Press
Item Length9.2 in
SubjectConstruction / General, Disasters & Disaster Relief, United States / State & Local / MidWest (IA, Il, in, Ks, Mi, MN, Mo, Nd, Ne, Oh, Sd, Wi), Civil / General
Publication Year2021
Item Height1.5 in
AuthorRichard A. Serrano
Item Weight31 Oz
Item Width6.2 in
Number of Pages460 Pages

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