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C# : A Beginner's Guide, Paperback by Mcgee, Pat, Brand New, Free shipping in...

C# : A Beginner's Guide, Paperback by Mcgee, Pat, ISBN 0071835830, ISBN-13 9780071835831, Brand New, Free shipping in the US "C#: A Beginner's Guide offers a step-by-step approach to learning object-oriented programming with C# and the .NET Framework while preparing you for data driven-development. More than 150 easy-to-follow examples are included. Th covers Visual Studio for development and debugging, collections and advanced C# structures, LINQ and traditional database development, as well as file, XML, and JSON handling. By the end of th, you'll have the foundation you need to begin developing advanced data-driven applications in any C#-based platform"--

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleC# : A Beginner's Guide
AuthorMcgee, Pat

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