The primal design of human beings is based on an intrinsic knowledge of perfection and its yearning and journeying towards it. Life's experience is based on polarities and opposites, all of which is founded on a zone of constancy that does not change. All needs and desires are drives toward the perfection of the highest. The intelligent human being has no choice other than calling on Allah, whose Most Beautiful Names and Attributes are perfect at all times. It is by that calling and worship that we achieve the fruits of existence. "In this book, we have presented a brief discourse on the doors of entry into the vast, boundless divine light created through supplication and calling upon Allah. Our hope is to facilitate its use, benefit and transformation for the traveller along the path. Thus, the repeated reading and use of this book by the seeker is recommended to open up the numerous horizons and subtleties of Allah's ways of grace." -- from the Introduction by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri is a spiritual philosopher and writer whose role as a teacher grew naturally out of his own quest for self-fulfilment. Since childhood he has been attracted to scientific investigation and intellectual pursuit. He was born in Karbala, Iraq, and is a descendant of several generations of well-known and revered spiritual leaders. After a stint in industry and consulting, he embarked on teaching, writing and meditating. His awareness of global realpolitik compelled him to seek a truth that would reconcile the past with the present, the East and West. His discovery affirms that One Cosmic Reality is the source behind all known and unknown states. Shaykh Haeri's unifying perspective emphasises practical, actionable knowledge of self-transformation. It provides a natural bridge between different approaches to spirituality, offering common ground of higher knowledge for various religions, sects and secular outlooks. His main work has been to make traditional Islamic teachings more comprehensible and widely available to the modern seeker through courses and publications. Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri is currently engaged in lecturing and writing books and commentaries on the Holy Qur'an and related subjects, with particular emphasis on ethics, self-development and gnosis ('irfan). With a lifetime's experience of contemplation, research, and insights, he shares what it means to live in the light of the Absolute in a relative world and maintains that spiritual awakening is potentially available to all. For more information about the author, please visit