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The Cauchy Problem for NonLipschitz SemiLinear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations: 419 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 419)J. C. Meyer
Cambridge University PressPaperback
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EAN: 9781107477391Published: 22/10/2015Language: English
Reaction-diffusion theory is a topic which has developed rapidly over the last thirty years, particularly with regards to applications in chemistry and life sciences. Of particular importance is the analysis of semi-linear parabolic PDEs. This monograph provides a general approach to the study of semi-linear parabolic equations when the nonlinearity, while failing to be Lipschitz continuous, is Hölder and/or upper Lipschitz continuous, a scenario that is not well studied, despite occurring often in models. The text presents new existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence results, leading to global and uniformly global well-posedness results (in the sense of Hadamard). Extensions of classical maximum/minimum principles, comparison theorems and derivative (Schauder-type) estimates are developed and employed. Detailed specific applications are presented in the later stages of the monograph. Requiring only a solid background in real analysis, this book is suitable for researchers in all areas of study involving semi-linear parabolic PDEs.
1. Introduction2. The bounded reaction-diffusion Cauchy problem3. Maximum principles4. Diffusion theory5. Convolution functions, function spaces, integral equations and equivalence lemmas6. The bounded reaction-diffusion Cauchy problem with f e L7. The bounded reaction-diffusion Cauchy problem with f e Lu8. The bounded reaction-diffusion Cauchy problem with f e La9. Application to specific problems10. Concluding remarks.
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