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Challenging Hegemonic Masculinity by Richard Howson (English) Paperback Book

Challenging Hegemonic Masculinity by Richard Howson. Beginning with the work of Antonio Gramsci and a focus on developing the full complexity of his theory of hegemony, Howson's fascinating new book then moves on through theory, applications and analysis of various topical issues, discussing and extending the work of R.W. Connell, and drawing out new possibilities for social justice in gender.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleChallenging Hegemonic Masculinity
Subject AreaSocial Science
Publication NameChallenging Hegemonic Masculinity
Item Length6.1 in
SubjectSociology / General, Men's Studies
Publication Year2012
SeriesRoutledge Advances in Sociology Ser.
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.7 in
AuthorRichard Howson
Item Weight10.4 Oz
Item Width9.2 in
Number of Pages176 Pages

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