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Childrens Mental Health and Emotional Well-being in Primary Schools by Colin How

Colin Howard is a senior primary lecturer in Initial Teacher Education (ITT) at the University of Worcester. He has been involved in primary education for over 24 years of which 14 years has been as a successful head teacher in both small village and large primary school settings.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleChildrens Mental Health and Emotional Well-being in Primary Schoo
Subject AreaFamily & Relationships, Référence, Psychology
Publication NameChildren's Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being in Primary Schools
PublisherSAGE Publications, The Limited
Item Length9.6 in
SubjectDevelopmental / Child, General, Life Stages / School Age
Publication Year2019
SeriesPrimary Teaching Now Ser.
TypeNot Available
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.4 in
AuthorMaddie Burton, Colin Howard, Denisse Levermore
Item Weight12 Oz
Item Width6.8 in
Number of Pages184 Pages

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