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Child's Introduction to the World: Geography, Cultures, and People - From the Gr

Child's Introduction to the World: Geography, Cultures, and People - From the Grand Canyon to the Great Wall of China (Hardback or Cased Book). Format: Hardback or Cased Book. Condition Guide. Publication Date: 5/26/2010.

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ConditionBrand New
BrandBlack Dog & Leventhal Publishers
ManufacturerBlack Dog & Leventhal Publishers
Book TitleChild's Introduction to the World : Geography, Cultures, and People - from the Grand Canyon to the Great Wall of China
Book SeriesA Child's Introduction Ser.
PublisherRunning Press
Item Length10.2 in
Publication Year2010
Item Height0.9 in
AuthorHeather Alexander, Meredith Hamilton
GenreJuvenile Nonfiction, Education
TopicPeople & Places / General, Activity Books, Early Childhood (Incl. Preschool & Kindergarten)
Item Weight28.2 Oz
Item Width10.2 in
Number of Pages96 Pages

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