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China and the Global Energy Crisis: Development and Prospects for China's Oil an

China has always been exceptionally reliant on its abundant coal, but consumption of oil and gas have grown rapidly since reform began in the 1980s. China and the Global Energy Crisis is a concise but detailed study of these issues.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleChina and the Global Energy Crisis
Subject AreaPolitical Science, Technology & Engineering
Publication NameChina and the Global Energy Crisis : Development and Prospects for China's Oil and Natural Gas
PublisherElgar Publishing, Incorporated, Edward
Item Length9.5 in
SubjectPublic Policy / Energy Policy, Petroleum
Publication Year2007
Item Height0.6 in
AuthorChristopher Howe, Tatsu Kambara
Item Weight13.1 Oz
Item Width6.5 in
Number of Pages160 Pages

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