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Climate Change, Migration and Human Rights: Law and Policy Perspectives

The book also includes a series of case studies from Alaska, Bangladesh, Kenya and the Pacific islands which aim to improve our understanding of the theoretical and practical implications of climate change for human rights and migration.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleClimate Change, Migration and Human Rights: Law an
Item Length23.2 cm
Subject AreaInternational Law, Civil Service
Publication NameClimate Change, Migration and Human Rights: Law and Policy Perspectives
PublisherTaylor & Francis LTD
SubjectEconomics, Law, Geography & Geosciences, Transportation, Sustainability, Science
Publication Year2018
Item Height234 mm
AuthorAnja Mihr, Dimitra Manou, Andrew Baldwin, Teresa Thorp, Dug Cubie
Item Width156 mm
Item Weight404 g
Number of Pages268 Pages

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