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Coastal Disaster Risk Management in Bangladesh : Vulnerability and Resilience...

Located in the lower riparian of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh has to face frequent disasters such as floods, cyclones, river erosion, salinity intrusion as well as drought. The editors reorganize disaster studies around social and physical changes that can reduce these risks and put at risk populations on a stronger footing by making risk reduction the focus.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication Year2022
Book TitleCoastal Disaster Risk Management in Bangladesh : Vulnerability and Resilience
Book SeriesRoutledge Explorations in Environmental Studies
AuthorKhondoker Mokadem Hossain
PublisherRoutledge, Chapman & Hall, Incorporated
GenreNature, Political Science, History
Item Length9.2 in
TopicNatural Disasters, Ecosystems & Habitats / Coastal Regions & Shorelines, Social History, Public Policy / Environmental Policy
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages504 Pages

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