Collaboration is increasingly difficult and increasingly necessary Often, to get something done that really matters to us, we need to work with people we don't agree with or like or trust. Adam Kahane has faced this challenge many times, working on big issues like democracy and jobs and climate change and on everyday issues in organizations and families. He has learned that our conventional understanding of collaboration-that it requires a harmonious team that agrees on where it's going, how it's going to get there, and who needs to do what-is wrong. Instead, we need a new approach to collaboration that embraces discord, experimentation, and genuine cocreation-which is exactly what Kahane provides in this groundbreaking and timely book.
Adam Kahane is a director of Reos Partners, an international social enterprise that helps people move forward together on their most important and intractable issues.
Contents Foreword by Peter Block ix Preface xvii Introduction: How to Work with People You Don't Agree with or Like or Trust 1 1: Collaboration Is Becoming More
Necessary and More Difficult 5 "I could never work with those people!" 5 The enemyfying syndrome 7 The central challenge of collaboration 9 2: Collaboration Is Not the Only Option 11 The way forward is unclear 12 "The miraculous option is that we work things
through together" 12 There are three alternatives to collaboration 15 Collaboration must be a choice 18 3: Conventional, Constricted Collaboration
Is Becoming Obsolete 25 Constriction prevents movement 25 Change management assumes control 26 "There is only one right answer" 29 The limitations of conventional collaboration 31 4: Unconventional, Stretch Collaboration
Is Becoming Essential 39 Stretching creates flexibility and discomfort 39 How to end a civil war 41 Stretch collaboration abandons the illusion of control 46
5: The First Stretch Is to Embrace
Conflict and Connection 49 Dialogue is not enough 49 There is more than one whole 55 Every holon has two drives 59 Alternate power and love 61
6: The Second Stretch Is to Experiment
Way A Way Forward 69 We cannot control the future, but we can influence it 69 We are crossing the river by feeling for stones 75 Creativity requires negative capability 80 Listen for possibility rather than for certainty 82
7: The Third Stretch Is to Step into the Game 89 "They need to change!" 90
If you're not part of the problem, you can't be
part of the solution 93
Be a pig rather than a chicken 96
Conclusion: How to Learn to Stretch 99 Notes 109 Acknowledgments 115 Index 118 About the Author 126 About Reos Partners 128 A Note from the Artist, Jeff Barnum 130