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Common Sense Nutrition: Guide to Good Health of Your Family, Paperback

This paperback book titled "Common Sense Nutrition" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the health of their family. The book provides guidance on good nutrition and offers insights into the benefits of various foods. It is authored by Jennie Hudson, Ruth Gray, and Irma Vyhmeister and published by Pacific Press Publishing Association in the United States.The book covers topics such as nutrition and health, and is perfect for those interested in the subject. It is not personalized and has not been signed, but is a great addition to any library. The format is paperback and the book is categorized under "Books" and "Books & Magazines".

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Book TitleCommon Sense Nutrition
AuthorRuth Gray, Irma Vyhmeister, Jennie Hudson
PublisherPacific Press Publishing Association
GenreFood & Drink
TopicHealth, Nutrition
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited States

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