The oldest independent periodical in the field, COMPOSITION STUDIES publishes original articles relevant to rhetoric and composition, including those that address teaching college writing; theorizing rhetoric and composing; administering writing programs; and, among other topics, preparing the field's future teacher-scholars. All perspectives and topics of general interest to the profession are welcome. We also publish Course Designs, which contextualize, theorize, and reflect on the content and pedagogy of a course. Contributions to Composing With are invited by the editor, though queries are welcome. CONTENTS OF COMPOSITION STUDIES 52.1 (Spring 2024): From the Editors: What Is the Future of Writing? AT A GLANCE: Collaboration for Action: A Visual-ish Reflection by Linda Adler-Kassner and Elizabeth Wardle ARTICLES: Pseudocommunity as a Limitation in Antiracist Faculty Professional Development by Mara Lee Grayson Beyond the "Improvement Imperative" Writing to Change Oneself and the World in First Year Composition by Heather Lindenman, Margaret Chapman, Jennifer Eidum, Lina Kuhn, and Li Li "I Don't Know How to Feel" Unpacking Emotion, Affect, and Educator Burnout in a Writing Classroom During Times of Crisis by Genie Nicole Giaimo COURSE DESIGNS: Cooking Up Rhetoric: Exploring Rhetoric, Culture, and Identity through Food-Based Texts by Jennifer C. Mallette First Year Writing for STEM Students: Promoting Awareness between Writing and Science by Marisa Brandt, June Oh, and Yukyung Lyla Bae WHERE WE ARE: 10 YEARS OF COUNTERSTORY: Love, Alice: A CRT Writing Process (counter)Story by Aja Y. Martinez A Theoretical Framework for Narrativizing Change with Literacy Infrastructures by Danielle Pappo Counterstory: An Ongoing Need by LaKela Atkinson Counterstory Now! by Elvira Carrizal-Dukes Felicidades Alejandra: Celebrating Ten Years of Counterstories by Natalie Madruga "I Don't Feel Sad Anymore. I'm Kinda Pissed" Academic Drag and CRT Counterstory in 2024 and Beyond by Tommy Mayberry BOOK REVIEWS: Two-Year College Writing Studies: Rationale and Praxis for Just Teaching, edited by Darin Jensen and Brett Griffiths, reviewed by Alex Evans Sensemaking for Writing Programs & Writing Centers, edited by Rita Malenczyk, reviewed by Jeffrey Howard English Across the Curriculum: Voices from Around the World, edited by Bruce Morrison, Julia Chen, Linda Lin, and Alan Urmston, reviewed by Maureen Johnson Rhetorics of Overcoming: Rewriting Narratives of Disability and Accessibility in Writing Studies, by Allison Harper Hitt, reviewed by Ada Hubrig Contributors 2023 Composition Studies Reviewers