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CompTIA CySA+ Cybersecurity Analyst Certification Passport (Exam CS0-002) by Bob

Title CompTIA CySA+ Cybersecurity Analyst Certification Passport (Exam CS0-002). Bobby E. Rogers is an Information Security Engineer working for a major hospital in the southeastern United States. He retired after 21 years in the United States Air Force, serving as a network security engineer and instructor, and has secured networks all over the world.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleCompTIA CySA+ Cybersecurity Analyst Certification Passport (Exam
Publication Year2021
FormatTrade Paperback
Subject AreaComputers, Technology & Engineering
Publication NameComptia Cysa+ Cybersecurity Analyst Certification Passport (Exam Cs0-002)
AuthorBobby E. Rogers
PublisherMcgraw-Hill Education
SubjectEngineering (General), Security / Viruses & Malware, Security / General, Certification Guides / General, Security / Networking
Item Weight22.8 Oz
Number of Pages448 Pages

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