Disruption in Transportation, as some experts say, is here; so is this book at this critical inflection point in the history of transportation planning, engineering, and operations. With a focus on improving safety and maximizing available systems to accommodate all modes of travel, this work brings together an array of topics and themes on transportation technologies under the banner of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV). The emerging technology implementing entities, industry leaders, original equipment manufacturers, standard development organizations, researchers, and others are singularly focused on a global multilogue to promote Safety, Mobility, Environment, and Economic Development (SMEEd). These discussions are technologically interdisciplinary and procedurally cross-functional, hence the need for CAV: Developing Policies, Designing Programs, and Deploying Projects.This book is aimed at the policy-maker who wants to know the high-level detail; the planner who chooses to pursue the most efficient path to implementation; the professional engineer who needs to design a sustainable system; the practitioner who considers deployable frameworks; the project manager who oversees the system deployment; the private sector consultant who develops and delivers a CAV program; and the researcher who evaluates the project benefits and documents lessons learned. This book makes a business case for implementing CAV technologies to achieve SMEEd goals; presents the possibilities and challenges to deploying emerging technologies; identifies the institutional roles and responsibilities; and develops a policy framework for mainstreaming CAV.