Life is an experience that is played out in our minds. Understanding our minds inner workings and nuances is the key to finding health, happiness and joy for the time we are on Earth. Coming to terms with our mind is a monumental challenge we all face. If we are able to understand the machine that is our brain, we can truly enjoy life and all of its offerings. We have all heard the saying find yourself or get in touch with yourself; or in Shakespearean terms know thyself. This is far more elusive and challenging than the words suggest. Getting in touch with self is hard because of all of the non-stop chatter in our minds. Constantly trying to make life act as to our likes and dislikes. Ever busy trying to create an environment consisting only of our personal preferences. Full of desires and forever chasing them. Our minds run wild and without understanding what's happening the mind can become a runaway train. This is exactly what needs to be avoided. Be on guard against the wandering mind, the dominating mind, the confused mind. Letting the mind be in control can move us in the wrong direction, in the opposite direction and further away from that which we desire. The more we feverishly chase our preferences and desires is the less contact we have with true self. Change your perceptions, change your life. The time of enlightenment is here, it is time to find the peace of mind, that level of happiness that will manifest your greatness. Shake off the old and tap into your authentic self, find the hidden power, be a distribution centre of happiness, become the joy of a human that you deserve. Let's head on this journey together as we explore our souls and learn to understand who and why we are the way we are. Let's take the hidden path because it is one least taken. It is the path of all champions and warriors alike. It is in these pages for the taking, whether you implement it or not is completely up to you. How do people create the strongest mind and soul? How does one repair, yes repair (a lot of people need repairing) a mind that has been hammered into submission by society, teachers, parents, friends, the media? How is a mind changed that has been shaped by every influential person around them since birth? The solution is much simpler than you think. Many of our minds are preconditioned and preprogrammed from childhood and stick with us into adulthood. Many of our beliefs and perceptions are not ours but rather passed down to us from family and those around us. We just haven't put enough thought into it to try to determine why we have certain beliefs and perceptions or why we like some things and dislike others. You have been so busy creating the model or box around yourself that will keep you safe and secure when things get tough. You have been too busy creating the stories you tell yourself to insulate you when times get tough. You always have somewhere to hide and to retreat to when the outside world doesn't quite line up properly. I am not sure what happened along the way, whether it is lack of gratitude, human complacency or just a sense of entitlement but we have forgotten how much of a true miracle we are just being a human being. We all came to be from something we can't even see with the human eye, we came from virtually nothing. And here we are roaming the Earth with eyes, lungs, a body with a mind that has thoughts and emotions. On top of that these bodies are self- healing.
A speaker, author, entrepreneur, coach, and mentor, Bruce has transformed countless lives with his message of prosperity. For more than twenty-five years Bruce has been motivating and helping people achieve success and abundance in both their personal and business lives. He is the Best- Selling author of "Things I Wish My Parents Taught Me" and The International Best Selling book, Conquer From Within - 6 Simple steps to Unleash your greatness and Elevate your Life. Bruce is one of the most in-demand speakers and seminar leaders around today. His presentations are deep, impactful, inspiring, and full of modern world approaches that can be applied by individuals and corporations alike.