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Contemporary Perspectives on Ageism by Liat Ayalon (English) Hardcover Book

This open access book provides a comprehensive perspective on the concept of ageism, its origins, the manifestation and consequences of ageism, as well as ways to respond to and research ageism. The contributors have collaborated to produce a truly stimulating and educating book on ageism which brings a clear overview of the state of the art in the field.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleContemporary Perspectives on Ageism
Book SeriesInternational Perspectives on Aging Ser.
PublisherSpringer International Publishing A&G
Item Length9.3 in
Publication Year2018
AuthorClemens Tesch-Roemer
GenreSocial Science, Science, Medical
TopicGerontology, Life Sciences / Anatomy & Physiology (See Also Life Sciences / Human Anatomy & Physiology), Life Sciences / Developmental Biology, General, Geriatrics
Item Weight37.1 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of PagesXxx, 564 Pages

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