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Contemporary Perspectives on Ageism, Paperback by Ayalon, Liat (EDT); Tesch-R...

This open access book provides a comprehensive perspective on the concept of ageism, its origins, the manifestation and consequences of ageism, as well as ways to respond to and research ageism.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitleContemporary Perspectives on Ageism
Book SeriesInternational Perspectives on Aging Ser.
PublisherSpringer International Publishing A&G
Item Length9.2 in
Publication Year2018
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height1.2 in
AuthorClemens Tesch-Römer
GenreSocial Science, Science, Medical
TopicGerontology, Life Sciences / Anatomy & Physiology (See Also Life Sciences / Human Anatomy & Physiology), Life Sciences / Developmental Biology, General, Geriatrics
Item Weight31.8 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of PagesXxx, 564 Pages

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