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Contrasting English and German Grammar: An Introduction to Syntax and Semantics

These tools are applied step-by-step to develop essential interface topics and a selection of prominent contrastive topics with material from English and German. Contrasting English and German Grammar by Sigrid Beck, Remus Gergel.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleContrasting English and German Grammar
Subject AreaForeign Language Study, Language Arts & Disciplines
Publication NameContrasting English and German Grammar : an Introduction to Syntax and Semantics
PublisherDE Gruyter, Inc.
Item Length9.1 in
SubjectLinguistics / Syntax, Linguistics / Semantics, Study & Teaching, General, German, Linguistics / Historical & Comparative, Linguistics / General
Publication Year2014
SeriesMouton Textbook Ser.
AuthorSigrid Beck, Remus Gergel
Item Weight17.3 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of Pages327 Pages

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