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Cowgirls and Aliens Oracle: Intuitive guidance to heal your soul by Ellie Grant

Cowgirls and Aliens Oracle by Ellie Grant. Title Cowgirls and Aliens Oracle. She has been painting all her life, developing a style inspired by sci-fi and fantasy, surrealism, comic-book art and mythology.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleCowgirls and Aliens Oracle : Intuitive Guidance to Heal Your Soul
Book SeriesRockpool Oracle Ser.
PublisherRockpool Publishing
Item Length5 in
Publication Year2024
FormatCards,Flash Cards / Cards,Flash Cards
Item Height1.3 in
AuthorEllie Grant
GenreBody, Mind & Spirit
TopicDivination / Tarot, Ufos & Extraterrestrials, Inspiration & Personal Growth
Item Weight11.2 Oz
Item Width3.5 in
Number of Pages120 Pages

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