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Creating a Sense of Belonging for Immigrant and Refugee Students: Strategies for

Mandy is the 2018 National Teacher of the Year. Ivonne Orozco Sahi teaches high school Spanish in Albuquerque. Leah Juelke, the 2018 North Dakota Teacher of the Year, is a high school English Language Arts teacher, K-12 English Learner specialist and literacy coach in Fargo, North Dakota.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleCreating a Sense of Belonging for Immigrant and Refugee Students
Subject AreaEducation
Publication NameCreating a Sense of Belonging for Immigrant and Refugee Students : Strategies for K-12 Educators
PublisherTaylor & Francis Group
Item Length9 in
SubjectMulticultural Education, General, Inclusive Education
Publication Year2022
AuthorSarahí Monterrey, Ivonne Orozco Sahi, Leah Juelke, Mandy Manning
Item Weight15.3 Oz
Item Width6 in
Number of Pages208 Pages

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