Win the war for talent! "Champion for introverts" Jennifer Kahnweiler shows how to create inclusive cultures that attract and retain the 40 to 60 percent of the population who identify as introverts.With the rise in awareness about introverts, the value they bring to the workplace has become increasingly clear. But many organizations are stuck in traditional extrovert-centric workplace cultures. They reward people for speaking up, still expect them to log face time, and have hiring and promotion practices rooted in the past, which ultimately discourages introverts from contributing and reaching their full potential. This book is the first to provide a road map for organizations, including leaders, human resources, and employees, to create inclusive, introvert-friendly workplace cultures. Kahnweiler includes an assessment to determine how introvert friendly your organization is and then looks at every aspect of organizational life--hiring, training, leadership, communication, meetings, workplace design, and more--through an introvert-friendly lens. This book will stimulate the next wave of the introvert diversity and inclusion conversation by demonstrating how we can move toward tangible systemic change. Kahnweiler gives you the tools to build a culture that embraces all your employees and maximizes the strengths introverts bring to your organization.
Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, PhD, is one of the top global leadership speakers on introverts. She has been a learning and development professional and leadership speaker at leading organizations like Merck, NASA, Bosch, the American Chemical Society, Freddie Mac, the US Centers for Disease Control, and the American Management Association. She has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Fortune, and is the author of The Introverted Leader, Quiet Influence, and The Genius of Opposites. She has been named a certified professional speaker by the National Speakers Association.