School library media specialists will find this book invaluable, helping them fulfill their role as curriculum partner with teachers and administrators in the collaborative development, implementation, and assessment of the instructional program. Current theory and research, the practical experiences of over 40 library media specialists, and step-by-step instructions will assist both the new and experienced school library media specialist to function as a full curriculum partner in the 21st century.
Chapters on leadership, change, and vision present the current models of leadership and explain the importance of being proactive, initiating change, and creating a vision for the school library media center as the center of learning that others in the school community will support. Suggestions for building a relationship with the principal and teachers, implementing flexible scheduling, and creating advisory groups and library advocates are presented here, along with techniques for successful staff development. Collaborative planning, implementation, and assessment of instructional plans (including special focus on technology, interdisciplinary curriculum, cooperative learning, and learning styles), complete with examples from all types of schools and grade levels, will inspire school media specialists to fully participate in creating information literate students in the 21st century.