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D-Day 6th June 1944: The Allied Invasion of Normandy by Mike Lepine Hardcover Bo

He has written 35 books and has been published throughout the world. Author Mike Lepine. More than 7,000 aircraft filled the skies. Facing them were massive concrete strongpoints bristling with Nazi artillery, machine gun nests and pill boxes, untold miles of barbed wire, vast minefields and underwater obstructions designed to rip fragile landing craft apart.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Publication Year2024
Book TitleD-Day 6thJune 1944 : the Allied Invasion of Normandy
AuthorMike Lepine
PublisherSona Books
Item Length10.5 in
TopicMilitary / World War II, Modern / 20th Century
Item Width8.2 in
Number of Pages144 Pages

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