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In the United States, more people die each year overdosing on sleeping pills than die from AIDS! Each day healthy individuals continue to be diagnosed "positive" by a totally inaccurate HIV Test. They are then treated for an imaginary, non-existent disease with AZT (Zivovudine) - the drug that was shelved because it was too toxic to
treat cancer! AZT actually causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and thereby fulfills the prophecy of death by "AIDS."
Backed by scientific and factual proof, you hear the truth:
• What really causes AIDS. how it can be avoided and even cured.
• How the HIV test can be positive because of having a simple "Flu" vaccination, the measles or many other common infections!
•Why AIDS is not an epidemic but a total myth based on false projections and disproved by time and the statistics.
. Why the homosexual community erroneously became identified as AIDS carriers.
•Why AIDS is a syndrome and not a transmittable disease.
. Why 25 to 30 diseases were, for the first time in recorded history, lumped together under a new name in an attempt to give the appearance of an epidemic!
•Acquired Immune Deficiency is not new; it has been known and written about in medical books for almost seventy years.
• All of this and much, much more are revealed for the first time in: Deadly Deception!
When asked why he would put his life on
the line to make a point, Dr. Willner replied:
"I do this to put a stop to the greatest
murderous fraud in medical history. By
injecting myself with HIV positive blood, I
am proving the point as Dr. Walter Reed
did to prove the truth about yellow fever.
In this way it is my hope to expose the
truth about HIV in the interest of all mankind."
Robert E. Willner M.D., Ph.D.