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Delicate Shawls and Scarves: Master the Art of Lacy Lover's Knot Crochet Book by

Are you ready to take your crochet skills to the next level?. Introducing "Delicate Shawls and Scarves: Master the Art of Lacy Lover's Knot Crochet Book" - the ultimate guide to creating stunning and intricate shawls and scarves using the beautiful technique of lacy lover's knot crochet.

19.75$ Buy It Now

Item395552987123Ebay Right Now
Seller grandeagleretail ( 930272 ⭐ ) 98.3%
Location: Fairfield, US, Ohio
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ConditionBrand New
AuthorWilliam C. Thomas
Book TitleDelicate Shawls and Scarves

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