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Democracy, Liberalism and War: Rethinking the Democratic Peace Debates by Tarak

Democracy, Liberalism and War by Tarak Barkawi. Author Tarak Barkawi. The authors place these key concepts in historical and social context and interrogate the claim that liberal democratic states do not go to war with each other.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleDemocracy, Liberalism and War
Publication Year2001
SeriesCritical Security Studies
Subject AreaPolitical Science, History
Publication NameDemocracy, Liberalism and War : Rethinking the Democratic Peace Debates
AuthorMark Laffey
PublisherRienner Publishers, Lynne
SubjectMilitary / General, Political Ideologies / Democracy, Political Ideologies / Conservatism & Liberalism
Item Weight18.1 Oz
Number of Pages250 Pages

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